How can we help?
Is this the final version?+-
This is a first version of our SD Work Assistant. It is continuously evolving and we hope to make it even better in future versions with your feedback.
Which languages are supported?+-
Which roles are supported with the SD Worx Assistant?+-
First focus is to bring more value to employees/workers. In a later phase this will be extended to line managers and other roles in the work communities.
What kind of questions can I ask?+-
Are the standard approval flows followed?+-
What about security?+-
It is more than obvious that the SD Worx Assistant respects your privacy and is in line with GDPR Compliancy.
Do you use global API's?+-
We have an open ecosystem approach, starting from API's with our own backend solutions like eblox HR and mysalary and 3rd party integrations like Office365 in a first phase. Depending on the specific customer needs we will further open to other tools in our roadmap.