Q&A with Abdelkader Berramdane, Head of Legal Services France

If you’re a HR professional who doesn’t have the first clue about payroll compliance, you’re in good company. Understanding the ins and outs of employment legislation is best left to highly trained specialists, but those specialists need support. By establishing a compliance management system, you can ensure that when it’s time to implement payroll changes based on legislation, the process is seamless. We asked Abdelkader Berramdane how payroll compliance can be conquered, step by step.

payroll navigator


For anyone with a basic understanding of how payroll works, it’s clear you won’t get far unless you prioritize regulatory compliance. Non-compliance with payroll regulations has serious legal and financial consequences, including hefty fines, the risk of audits and lawsuits, and worst of all: permanent damage to your company’s reputation. You’re limiting sales potential, risking customer relationships, and breaking employee trust all at once. To avoid all this, it’s essential to put a payroll compliance plan in place that ensures you’re always covered against risk.

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As businesses expand their workforce and enter new international markets, the challenge and importance of maintaining payroll compliance grows exponentially. It's not just a matter of ticking boxes for regulations; as our new research shows, it represents the largest investment in payroll management for many companies. Running closely behind is investing in fortifying payroll data security, a critical aspect given the sensitive nature of payroll information. These investments are foundational to safeguarding your company against financial penalties and safeguarding employee data against breaches.

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