Q&A with Andrea Eschle, Chief Products Officer

As with every aspect of HR, true payroll success is reflected in the impact payroll has on employees. Yet our research reveals that over a third of European employees noticed errors in their salary calculations over the past year, and the data shows those employees are more likely to be actively job-hunting. We asked Andrea Eschle how to prioritize employee experience, both when it comes to payroll strategy, and when considering which payroll technology to invest in.

payroll navigator


In any organization, payroll systems directly impact employee satisfaction and retention. Yet alarmingly, many companies continue to struggle with payroll fundamentals. Even in 2024, a significant portion of the workforce faces delayed payments and incorrect salary calculations, leading to concrete effects on employee turnover.

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In an era marked by economic fluctuations and growing financial insecurity, the financial well-being of employees has emerged as a critical concern for organizations across Europe. Recent data from the second European Barometer on Poverty and Precariousness reveals that 29% of Europeans consider themselves in a precarious financial situation.

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